The loss put a dent in City's aspirations for finishing in the top-four with a Champions League birth next season. Now, it seems that the row has grown to encompass the respective clubs' boardrooms as well.
Manchester City's chief executive Garry Cook is now being questioned after his heated exchange in the director's box with George Downing, a guest of Everton, on Wednesday night. Cook already is no stranger to controversy; he was the target of criticism for his cold-blooded firing of manager Mark Hughes this past December. If anything will come of Wednesday night is anyone's guess, but it will not sit well in the media.
Man City just need to find a way to curb their immaturity. Mancini's bust-up with Moyes was a small blip on the radar, but this has been a disturbing trend the entire season: Emmanuel Adebayor's stomp on the face of Robin Van Persie, his subsequent deliberate celebrations in front of his former fans, Cook's handling of Hughes and Carlos Tevez talking smack to his former employers at United.
Even though Mancini's side now have the money to compete with Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United, Wednesday night proved City still lack a considerable amount of class. Just keep your head down and play your soccer, because these sorts of actions will make you Premier League villains rather than heroes.
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